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Epic Props

New Workshop Adventures: Part 2

So yep, it’s taking a bit longer than first thought to sit down and post updates about the workshop build, but that’s purely down to the fact that every spare minute is spent on getting it done.

So this update is right around mid June 2024, we finally managed to completely empty the the new workshop to reveal our blank canvas!

Once cleared we were able to assess the situation and think about future proofing the workshop so it will run as smoothly as possible. So after several cups of coffee and a lot of hmmmm moments, the first phase was decided.

Before even thinking about what the actual set up of the workshop would be, we needed to address a number of issues, and these were as follows:

  • Replace the roof deck and roofing cover ( we found a big leak in it after we fully cleared the workshop)

  • Replace the wooden side door (due to rot)

  • Replace the wooden window on one side (also due to rot)

  • And replace the other wooden window ( because at some point it’s going to rot)

  • Replace the main door at the front of the workshop due to gap issues that will lead to drafts in the winter and to make the most of the space available as an 'up-and-over' garage door uses a lot of space on the inside which can be better used as part of the workshop.

  • Find a solution to improve insulation so I don’t freeze during the winter months ( the current workshop in the winter, due to being an old stone building with absolutely no insulation and a serious draft issue, never got any warmer that 10 degrees with the heating on full blast!! brrrrr!

  • Upgrade the current power supply, as Egon once said "the wiring is substandard, it's completely inadequate for our power needs" and also upgrade the lighting!

After these jobs are completed, we can start to think about workbenches, storage and workshop flow!

It was at this moment, after compiling the list above, that it was clear it was going to take more than 3 months!

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

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